How Does DAO Governance Work, And How To Launch One?


The question of how to manage decentralised protocols becomes more crucial as the DeFi and NFT communities expand dramatically. The ability to manage group decision-making to maximise resources and operations will be one of these communities' most pressing challenges over the coming years. DAO governance models will at this point aid in maintaining a novel governance model that can support decentralisation.

We will provide you with more information about DAOs in this Blog including what they are, how their governance functions, and how they can support decentralised finance with better governance models:

What is DAO?

A Decentralised Autonomous Organization (DAO) is a community-led organisation that is run according to computer codes and lacks a central authority. A DAO is an entirely autonomous and open organisation where smart contracts establish the ground rules and carry out the chosen course of action. All the guidelines and transactions for a DAO Development Company are transparently recorded on the blockchain.

Different Types Of DAO

A DAO might fit into one of the following categories depending on its design, available technology, and method of operation:

Operating systems: They are independent platforms that let a single organisation or a number of them build DAOs. For instance, Orca and Colony.

Protocol DAOs: Tokens are used by these DAOs as a voting metric to carry out the protocol and monetary changes. such as Yearn, Curve, and Uniswap.

Grants DAOs: These DAOs are decentralised venture capital firms with communities that vote on capital allocation using governance tokens. such as MolochDAO and Audius Grants.

Investment DAOs: Supporting capital pooling for various decentralised finance operations and investments is the primary function of the investment DAO. Like BitDAO and The LAO.

Collector DAOs: Artists and NFTs can support partial or full ownership of content and artistic creations using this type of DAO. Example: Flamingo.

Service DAOs:  These DAOs are used by organisations and individuals to find and acquire talent. Consider Metaverse DAO and DaoHaus.

Media DAOs: The main benefit of a Media DAO is that it is decentralised news aggregators that are transparent and act in the best interests of the consumer as a whole. Think of Mirror.

Social DAOs: They are platforms for decentralised social networking. Like Seed Club and FWB.

How Does DAO Governance Work?

On a blockchain, the fundamental group of participants in the community uses smart contracts to define the guidelines for a DAO. These regulations are auditable, verifiable, and openly available. The DAO begins securing funding and establishing governance as soon as the regulations are recorded in the blockchain.

The DAO raises money for this by issuing and selling tokens, which it uses to fund its treasury. Voting rights are given to purchasers of tokens. After funding is complete, the DAO is prepared for deployment.

The only way to change the code after it has been pushed into production is to reach a decision through member voting. The community of token holders alone has the authority to alter the DAO's rules; no other party is permitted.

When Are DAOs Needed?

You need to have a lot of faith in the people you're working with if you want to start an organisation with them that involves funding and money. But it's challenging to believe someone you've only ever communicated with online.

You only need to trust the DAO's code, which is completely transparent and verifiable by anyone, when using DAOs. The use of DAOs creates a plethora of brand-new possibilities for international cooperation and coordination.

DAOs can be used to promote almost anything and everything, including a charity, an album release, a company, a non-profit, a painting, etc.

DeFi in DAO

P2P finance made possible by Layer-1 blockchain protocols like Ethereum, Avalanche, Cardano, etc. is referred to as DeFi, or Decentralized Finance. DeFi apps significantly increase transaction speed and cut costs by doing away with the need for dependable middlemen.

DeFi's efficient operation is largely dependent on DAO governance models. Through individual decisions made by decentralised validator nodes that own or have enough tokens to approve blocks, DAOs are in charge of managing DeFi apps.

Better governance models in DeFi applications can be facilitated in a variety of ways by DAO governance, including:

Tokenization: DAOs use tokens built on the blockchain to represent voting rights. As a result, only token owners are permitted to take part in network governance.

Autonomous automatization: Simple transactions can only be handled by a single smart contract. DeFi apps can define a complex set of smart contracts using DAO frameworks, enabling multi-party interactions without the need for human intervention.

Self-enforcement: Smart contracts are used by DAO to automate organisational rules, greatly reducing the need for middlemen who might jeopardise decentralised decision-making.

Trust mechanism: A certain level of trust in DAOs is codified by smart contracts and other protocol mechanisms, enabling several agreements to take place between network stakeholders without the involvement of outside parties.

DeFi offers plenty of other benefits for DAO apps as well.

  • They are independent and don't need leadership to begin with.

  • DAOs offer unbiased clarity and predictability because everything is governed by smart contracts.

  • DAOs are open, and all transactions are recorded on the blockchain. This also enables public auditing of voting, proposals, and even code.

  • It provides incentives for participants to get involved in the community. Furthermore, none of the participating nodes will depend on management or central node during this process. They will be dependent on one another.

  • NFTs have countless options thanks to DAOs. It offers the chance to create creator collectives, allows for the collective ownership of an asset, and offers models for local government.

Steps to create and run your own DAO

A productive DAO needs:

A purpose: a fundamental goal or cause that the DAO can aid in organising.

Voting mechanism: You can either make it yourself or obtain it from a third-party provider.

Governance tokens or share system: It enables individuals to establish their claim to an opinion in a DAO.

Community: They can cooperate to keep the DAO operating effectively and smoothly.

Fund management: It is typically led by a multi-sig wallet that can only be used with the consent of all important participants.

You need a system for handling votes and proposals in order to create a DAO. Everyone has access to a pool of open-source solutions.

A typical example that operates across several blockchains is a snapshot. A customizable off-chain voting system called Snapshot casts votes based on a snapshot of token owners using digital signatures.

  1. possess a mainnet ENS domain on Ethereum.

  1. Connect your ENS domain to Snapshot.

  1. Make your space's settings unique. They consist of administrators, terms, voting power schemes, etc.

  1. In order to verify your space, you must have at least 1000 members as well as ownership documentation for the relevant project.

  1. Additionally, DAOs give users access to a decentralised setting where all of the stakeholders' incentives are in line. They put in place a framework where a system of incentives directs users' interests in favour of the community's good.

Additionally, this creates a network of decentralised businesses that have access to a variety of financial services while lowering entry barriers and advancing financial inclusion.

Future of DAOs

DeFi is in the process of expanding, and in order to better facilitate its framework and workflow, it needs a governance model that is akin to DAO governance. DAOs represent a departure from business organisations' centralised past and present. DAOs envision a group organisation where each member has a voice and is owned and managed by the group. Although they are still uncommon, DAOs appear to be gaining popularity among many businesses.


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